Dependable Insurance for Portable Sanitation
Proven Insurance for Portable Sanitation
As a portable sanitation firm, you run into a special set of risks a regular insurance broker might not be aware of. Whether you do business in portable sanitation, septic waste, liquid vacuum trucks, sewer and drain line cleaning, industrial cleaning, or environmental cleanup, Heffernan Insurance Brokers has a program for you.
We specialize in the portable sanitation business and insure more liquid vacuum trucks and companies than any other broker in the country. An expert in liquid waste, we save clients up to 50% with our proprietary programs compared to other brokers.
We also have a long-standing relationship with the Portable Sanitation Association; we are a regular at meetings and speaking engagements for the association.
To see how we can flush your current insurance program of excess costs through our Port-A-Gard program, contact Heffernan today.