Design Guide

A style guide standards for the writing, formatting, and design elements.

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Fonts used

Poppins (Light, Regular, Medium,  Bold )


Dark Grey: #333333


Dark Blue: #2b3e4b


Dark Yellow: #e1ad01


Green: #4e8136


White: #ffffff

Image Sizes

(weight recommended below 400kb)

  • Homepage Banner Background Image : 1920 x 583px JPG file
  • Homepage Banner Right Column Image : 980 x 583px JPG file
  • Homepage “Our Story” Section Image : 447 x 563px JPG file
  • Homepage Video Section Background Image : 899 x 243px JPG file
  • Homepage “Commitment to” Section Image : 726 x 492px PNG file
  • Megamenu Image Size : 595 x 500px JPG file
  • News & Events Featured Image : 740 x 421px JPG file
  • Team Featured Image : 368 x 452px JPG file
  • Hg Innovate Page Image : 368 x 452px JPG file
  • Hg Magazine Featured Image : 330 x 439px JPG file
  • Inner Banner Big Background Image : 1920 x 1193px JPG file
  • Inner Banner Small Background Image : 1920 x 557px JPG file
  • Inner Page Small Full Width Section Background Image : 1920 x 557px JPG file
  • Inner Page Big Full Width Section Background Image : 1920 x 1233px JPG file
  • Contact Card Image : 420 x 425px JPG file
  • Contact Page Left column Image : 791 x 982px JPG file
  • Career Page Employee Benefits Icons : 74 x 74px PNG file
  • Our Story Two Column Video Overlay Image : 760 x 429px JPG file

Resources File Types : PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, TXT

  • To add a new team member, it’s best practice to clone an existing member and change all of the info
    • Name, URL, Category, etc.
  • To place team in the right order, be sure to adjust within each category rather than on the main “team” module

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